Panchakarma/Ayurveda – Germany, Europe and the world are at war and unite against corona

It’s war! The enemy is an inconspicuous virus.

Covid-19The Covid 19 health crisis is picking up steam dramatically. Doctors, nurses, and caregivers – the key people fighting the threat in the front lines – are talking about war-like conditions and fearing dire things. Signs such as contact restrictions, partial curfews, restrictions on freedom of travel and urgent calls to limit contacts to the most necessary underscore the assessment. The situation cannot and should not be downplayed – it is dramatic. Covid-19 strikes quietly and scary. We are dealing with an invisible but powerful enemy.

All the people who have been hit hard by Corona have experienced firsthand how an overpowering enemy can rage ruthlessly.  As long as large parts of the population still lack vaccination protection, caution is the most important defense.

The appeal can therefore only be:
– observe the safety rules
– keep your distance
– avoid unnecessary contacts
– observe personal hygiene
– follow professional advice, regulatory guidelines
– and train and strengthen your immune system

Take part! By doing so, we protect vulnerable people, patients, the healthcare system, our economy and ultimately ourselves. Help prevent the collapse of the health care system. Help prevent doctors and nurses from being overworked to the point of collapse.

The infection events show it to us that the 3rd wave is upon us. The virus is mutating and could become even more dangerous as a result. We must prepare ourselves for this circumstance and, in the midst of all the actionism, we must not forget to make our health care system much broader. How about we finally start integrating holistic systems into our defense strategy as well?

The Western lifestyle has left us vulnerable and Western medicine has only been able to partially fulfill expectations. The experiences that Ayurveda/Pancharkarma has to share with us are now more important than ever. Let us listen to what the ancient wisdoms have to tell us. If the virus mutates to the point of overriding vaccine protection, the best thing we can do to counter it is our immune defenses. Our immune system is the shield against any aggressive attacker.

Train, improve, strengthen – all this can Ayurveda/Panchakarma.

An ounce of prevention weighs more than a pound of cure.

The application for public funding of this project was rejected due to a “lack of public interest” at the state and federal level .

Sale or cooperation

Investors welcome: Infos und contact via EMail: [email protected]

The medical-therapeutic Ayurveda and Panchakarma finds more and more followers!
For many years, the trend can be observed that a booming market is developing in the sector of serious alternative medicine. This is especially true for traditional Ayurveda/Panchakarma.


The projected specialized clinic for Panchakarma International has set itself the goal to close the demand gap in Europe and to offer authentic services in this underrepresented sector.

You are an investor or an Ayurvedic doctor and you are open for challenges? Are you looking for a promising project with development potential? So how about an interesting investment in the environment of this booming alternative medicine?

We can offer you this unique opportunity with the projectitized specialized clinic for Panchakarma International.

Current News:

The coronavirus continues to rage unchecked in Germany, Europe and worldwide. This is frightening! Although the newly developed vaccines against the coronavirus provide a first glimmer of hope for normality, uncertainty remains. The newly developed vaccines are promising and could, over time, end the coronavirus epidemic. But that may take time. And in the meantime, the medical advice remains valid to strengthen one’s immune system to be best prepared for this and other diseases.

The projected specialized clinic for Panchakarma International offers, among other things, special Panchakarma cures to strengthen the immune system. A strong immune system is the best preventive protection against the coronavirus and all other threats to our health.

Your chance to invest:

For investors, capital investors and Ayurveda doctors therefore we are proud to offer an interesting investment for the future.
The property is fully developed , about 4,000 sqm with old buildings and with development potential for a Panchakarma clinic.
Investors welcome:

Infos und contact via EMail: [email protected]