Receipt 20

Light breakfast porridge based on spelt
For 2 persons
Those who switch from wheat to spelt hope that many disadvantages that we associate with wheat today will be avoided by spelt. For example, high gluten content, mineral deficiencies, glyphosate residues etc. However, we must always take into account that both types of grain have been optimized for today’s performance-enhanced agricultural economy and that many nutrients that would have a positive effect have been removed from the raw material for reasons of shelf life. As soon as we want to use liver remedies in the context of Ayurveda for health, we should be particularly selective with regard to the choice of product. We should therefore go for an organic, i.e. organically produced whole grain product. Of course, it should also be GMO-free and gently prepared. Once we have taken these criteria to heart, with spelt we get a wholesome product, rich in minerals and fiber, even richer in vitamins than its relative the wheat. We find in spelt a protein that is higher than that in wheat and also the unsaturated fatty acids in spelt speak in favor of this cereal. As with all cereals, a sufficiently long swelling time makes the whole grain product more digestible, since a large proportion of problematic lectins is neutralized in this way.
For this recipe you will need
500ml grass fed milk, min. 3.8% fat
1½ cups freshly ground spelt grain or alternatively spelt semolina
1 handful of raisins
½ pomegranate, of which the seeds and the pulp are used
1 tbsp. ghee (or clarified butter)
500ml water to soak
500ml warm water to drink
1 pinch of ground cinnamon
1 pinch of ground ginger
2 pinches of rock salt
Let the ground spelt (or spelt grits) soak overnight. This neutralizes the lectins in high-lectin grains to the greatest possible extent. In this way, many food porridges from cereals have been neutralized for centuries, old knowledge that we have to painstakingly learn again today. If some soaking water remains, pour it away. Take a pot and heat the milk together with the porridge and raisins. Gradually add the ghee, cinnamon and ginger powder. Stirring constantly, everything is heated mildly and finally continue to swell for a few minutes on low heat. Before serving, sprinkle the pomegranate seeds over the porridge. To support and start the day, for this easily digestible breakfast, we recommend a glass of still, warm spring or medicinal water with a pinch of salt. It stimulates digestion in a mild way.
Variation of this breakfast.
Instead of pomegranate, any other slightly acidic fruit can be used. Instead of spelt porridge, you can also try oat, emmer or einkorn porridge.