Important change for the employment of foreign skilled workers
While there have been some restrictions to control the influx of foreign skilled workers, the Deutscher Bundestag has recently passed a more business-friendly law on the immigration of skilled workers. For the emerging field of therapeutic panchakarma applications (specialized clinic for panchakarma and ayurveda), it was previously necessary, if the project wanted to rely on authentic implementation of therapies by means of indian or sri lankan specialists, to attract Indian/Sri Lankan specialists as investors.
With the new law on the immigration of skilled workers, this hurdle has been removed. Now, for example, panchakarma specialists, ayurveda therapists, ayurveda chefs, yoga teachers, meditation teachers may be recruited and employed directly by a specialist clinic. In this way, professional bottlenecks for ayurveda cures in Germany are eliminated and the previous quality of ayurveda cures can be further developed in an authentic and professional way. This opens up new opportunities for investors who want to exploit the potential of the aspiring alternative healthcare market.

In summary, this means
Due to the new law on skilled workers there are considerable opportunities for German/European investors to get involved in the booming future market of panchakaram and ayurveda, because the gap can be closed directly with the well-trained skilled workers in their countries of origin India and Sri Lanka.
If you can imagine a commitment as an investor, please contact us.