Experience for over 25 years
Joachim Stehr and his wife Gerlinde are among Germany’s Ayurveda pioneers. More than 25 years ago (1993/94) they have already established the first Ayurveda village in Germany (Rundlingsdorf Sagasfeld, https://sagasfeld.de) and have contributed to the fact that Ayurveda is also known in Germany, because up to that time Ayurveda was almost unknown in Germany.
After the death of his wife Gerlinde, Joachim Stehr transferred the Ayurveda village (Rundlingsdorf Sagasfeld, https://sagasfeld.de) to his son Olaf Stehr in the course of an early succession. Olaf Stehr has further developed the Ayurveda village as an Ayurveda wellness village with great success.
The heart of Ayurveda, Panchakarma, has now also gained general recognition in Germany in its medical significance. State recognition has been demanded by all Ayurveda associations for a long time.
For these reasons, we have designed a clinic specialising in Panchakarma to complement the Ayurveda Wellness Village Sagasfeld. With the aim of an authentic, therapeutic orientation.

The combination, on one side best relaxation
and regeneration in the Ayurveda Wellness Village Sagasfeld with the focus on wellness and on the other side medical Panchakarma therapies, which are carried out in an authentic way by Ayurveda specialists from India and Sri Lanka, is ideal for guests and patients. In this form the local proximity is unique.
The existing development plan Sagasfeld makes this expansion possible.
The location in the direct vicinity of the Ayurveda Wellness Village and the transport connections are also ideal.