Spicy lassi

Recipe 9

A good yogurt is the basis for a good lassi.

Foamed spicy lassi

An important aspect of Ayurvedic medicine revolves around gut health. Today we speak of “our microbiome” and its influences on health. And so modern medicine is coming to the realization that a neglected gut is often the beginning of many problems. However, modern knowledge about the role that the intestine plays in our health has been known in Ayurvedic health philosophy for several thousand years. Takra, a type of buttermilk, or lassi, a trendy food of today, play a central role in the Ayurvedic diet. And so, as a food for gentle intestinal care, lassi is considered to cleanse the intestines. Even the concept of probiotics was known in Ayurveda as asavas and arishtas.

For this recipe you will need:

200g organic yogurt with live dextrorotatory cultures.
400ml water, preferably still medicinal water or spring water
1 pinch of pink salt (e.g. Himalya salt, also known as Punjab salt)
1 pinch of ground cardamom
1 pinch of ground black cumin seeds
1 pinch black pepper
2 tsp. turmeric
1/2 tsp. ground ginger
1 tbsp. brown sugar or coconut blossom sugar

Mix all the dry ingredients together. Heat the water until it is lukewarm, then add the cold yogurt and the spice mixture. Whisk everything up vigorously. Serve the spice lassi freshly foamed and lukewarm. A treat for the belly.

Suggested Variation:
Although the warm spice lassi is the better alternative for health, those who like it a bit fruitier may omit the black cumin and black pepper and replace it with 50 g of pureed mango. In this case, we also recommend serving the lassi cold, that is, do not heat the water. If you use sparkling mineral water instead of still water, you will get a tangy, refreshing lassi.