Press release

We welcome you as our investors from <India | Sri Lanka …> and highly appreciate your interest in our project we are hereby proud to present.

Please follow the link for the current press release dated 07-08-2020
(PR: Efforts for the approval of therapeutic panchakarmacures — currently only available in German, sorry for the inconvenience. You will find two versions).

Due to recent events

Panchakarmacures strengthen the immune system

A strong immune system is the best preventive protection against the corona virus.

There are some Ayurveda hotels that offer panchakarmacures to strengthen the immune system. Unfortunately, most of them focus on wellness and do not meet the high standards of panchakarma doctors from India. Panchakarma treatments have to be performed medically by specialists to be really successful. This is what most hotels with a panchakarma wellness offer lack.

We would like to offer the effective, original cures, that is why it is so important for us to offer Ayurveda doctors from India and Sri Lanka a perspective in Germany. In our opinion, this only works with appropriate subsidies. Germany urgently needs Ayurveda Panchakarma specialists from India and Sri Lanka.

Panchakarma Booms in Germany

Unfortunately, there is a shortage of trained Ayurveda and Panchakarma physicians to exploit the development potentials in this market segment. Therefore, Germany could profit from a know-how transfer of well-trained professionals from India and Sri Lanka, respectively.

Germany, in the heart of Europe, belongs to the most attractive business locations worldwide. Highest certainty of the law is guaranteed. The medicinal therapeutic sector is well-controlled and both, the freedom of entrepreneurial activity as well as the protection and coverage of clients, customers, or patients respectively, create a business friendly environment. At the same time, however, an acute shortage of professionals restricts economic growth. Germany must face this challenge sooner or later.

The transfer of know-how is one approach. Germany helps Indian or Sri Lankan entrepreneurs, individuals interested in making investments that is, by issuing work authorizations and German rights of residence as well as further, planned facilitation.

Which Ayurveda/ Panchakarma Physician (or Team) Looks for a Stand, a Toehold, or Second Base in Germany?


The therapeutic sector is affected by a shortage of professionals, too.

This also is true for the special branch of Ayurveda and Panchakarma, which represents a growth market in Germany and Europe because of high demand. It should be noted that this branch belongs to the medicinal therapeutic sector that is to be differentiated from the leisure and wellness sectors.

In the originating countries of Ayurveda and Panchakarma, the situation regarding professionals is much better. Their high standards and status make them highly attractive for countries underdeveloped in regards but open to Ayurveda and Pachachkarma. This is especially true for Germany.

This solution is for Ayurveda doctors:
Working and investing in Germany.
Your advantage:
With the business start-up you have a bridgehead or 2nd pillar in Germany / Europe.
We can assist with the work permit, entry and financing and marketing!
For example: A favorable financing by German banks can be arranged by us.

Solution Approach:

The planned Panchakarma Hotel in Germany, Luneburg Heath, will go new ways to resolve the current shortage of professionals.

It represents the evolution of the 1. German Ayurveda Village, now existing for 25 years (refer to: Twenty five years ago, it was one of the pioneers who made the health school of Ayurveda known to a broader public in Germany. Today, the Ayurveda Village belongs to the facilities of highest experience in Ayurveda. Prof. Kulkarni from the University of Pune (India) has attended this project from its beginning.

Through a transnational investment approach, the planned Panchakarma Hotel is the next pilot project that is to make Germany an Ayurveda and Panchakarma location as attractive to professionals and skilled workers from India as profitable alike.

In addition, special wishes and ideas of an investor can be taken into account very flexibly, so that the investment volume can be dynamically adapted to the project development. This includes the structural elements required for a Panchakarma Clinic as well as other extensions, e.g. a functional indoor swimming pool or a small Hindu meditation temple.

Project completion is forecast for 2021/2022.

Germany has a good reputation as business location. Unfortunately, however, it is difficult or even impossible for Indian (or Sri Lankan) professionals to get work authorizations, so staff recruitment is no solution.

Anyway, an alternative entry to the German market does exist. There is an exceptional regulation for professionals who want to invest and practise in Germany and build up an income, which could also be interesting to physicians looking for a toehold or second base in Germany/ Europe.

The revised form of § 21 Residence Act of 01.08.2012 makes it possible.

At the same time, further simplifications of solutions conformable to law for foreign professionals are sought on highest political level.

Therefore, this pilot project addresses Ayurveda physicians or teams who look for an entry into the German market and are willing to invest and practise locally.

The Indian Ayurveda physicians get access to the German growth market.

In addition, they create new jobs through their commitment and close the acute gap in the medicinal therapeutical sector with regards to skilled workers and professionals.

This pilot project can be an initial spark to kindle similar investments from foreign professionals.

For further information:

E-mail: [email protected]