Prevention instead of cure

Growing old happily and healthy

On Spektrum der Wissenschaft, an article on healthy aging mentions 5 important factors that are traditionally firmly rooted in Ayurveda/Panchakarma.
(Read here:
But what should be emphasized at this point is that in the Western health care system we focus on treating diseases and our health care system pays doctors for treating a disease rather than primarily for preventing a disease.

See the statement by Dr. Müller, head of the Villavita Day Clinic. Dr. Müller says about it:

Because to become old healthy is not the rule, but rather the exception. That is also because one concentrates today more on treating diseases instead of preventing them, says the physician Dieter Mueller: The health system is in such a way laid out that it becomes active only with illness. In addition, there are at most a few preventive examinations for early detection of diseases. Anyone who wants to increase their chances of growing old in good health should not wait until they become ill.

And this corresponds exactly to the traditional approach of medical Ayurveda and Panchakarma treatments. For the Ayurveda physician it is a question of ethics to maintain the health of a patient through individual attention even before a disease is treated.

In this way, Ayurveda and Pancha carnage maintains and promotes health and quality of life.

Wouldn’t it be a good social objective if the primary task of a health professional was to keep people healthy?