Letter to the political groups in the German Bundestag

Dear Members,

We refer to our letter with various attachments dated 30.6.2020 and supplement it in light of current events.

We persistently hope that this will generate the necessary political attention and ask for your support for the state recognition of Ayurveda as an equivalent therapeutic medicine.

Coronavirus – current situation

Second wave is here!
when’s the third wave coming?
When’s the fourth wave?

We demand the immediate recognition of Ayurveda/Panchakarma from the politicians, because we want to live.

Health – new infections are rising alarmingly

The best preventive protection against the corona virus is a strong immune system.

Ayurveda and Panchakarma treatments are excellently suited for this purpose, but can only be used by a small exclusive circle for reasons of cost.

A strong immune system can reduce corona infections in advance and thus much suffering and many deaths.

At the same time, immense costs are avoided, e.g. for the treatment of corona viruses.

Economy – collapses

A flood of insolvencies in many sectors is feared as late as autumn 2020.

Generous coronanot loans from KFW Bank are to be welcomed.

However, these loans are unsuitable for saving companies from insolvency because the loans have only a short term and repayment is usually not possible.

They bridge short-term liquidity bottlenecks and thus postpone a possible insolvency even for a short time.
The politicians’ voluntary commitment should be to protect citizens as best as possible and to support the economy.

For politicians, these 2 good reasons should be motivation enough.

Experts fear that the fight against the coronavirus will continue for many years to come.

Further information under

With kind regards

Citizens’ initiative for the recognition of Ayurveda

Joachim Stehr