Banana curry

Receipe 25

grüne Bananen
green Bananas, Source:

Banana curry with chopped pistachios

For 2 people
Green bananas are rich in starch, they contain slightly lower amounts of fructose and glucose than ripe fruits. For this reason, they are slightly better if you need to watch your blood sugar levels. As they ripen, the starch is converted into fructose and glucose. Since fructose can only be broken down in the liver, some unripe fruits, such as green bananas or unripe apricots are better for vitality for liver function recovery. For this reason, you should go for green bananas for this recipe. Bananas, along with avocados, are among the fruits rich in potassium. A trace element that we often neglect, but is essential for many metabolic processes. You have probably already heard that bananas make you happy. This is due to serotonin and tryptophan.

For this recipe we need
3 medium green bananas
2 tbsp. ghee or clarified butter
2 tbsp. chopped pistachios
½ tsp. cumin seeds
1 small amount of grated fresh ginger (approx. 1 tbsp.)
1 tsp. ginger powder
½ tsp. chili flakes
1 tsp. ground turmeric powder
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
½ cup apple juice
1 pinch of salt – we recommend rock salt (e.g. primal salt or Himalayan salt)
100 ml fresh cream (organic cream)

Variation suggestions
The pistachios can be replaced very well by coconut strips, walnuts or sliced almonds. To emphasize the fruity note you can enhance this dish with a mixture of grated apple/carrot with a little honey.