Ayurveda recognition

A haunting reminder that you can stop anything but time.

“Humanity must prepare to live with Corona,…., because the virus cannot be eradicated …. .”

If we do not take lightly this urgent warning from Prof. Dr. Wieler of the Robert Koch Institute, it suggests only one reasonable conclusion. We must rethink in our strategies! On this occasion we demand for the felt 100th time:

1. the recognition of Ayurveda/Panchakarma as an equivalent medical therapy. Because the most effective preventive protection against the coronavirus and all other coming threats is a strong immune system! Ayurveda/Panchkarma cures as immune strengthening therapies are excellent for this purpose.
2) We also demand a rethinking of politicians and more courage to try unconventional ways.
3. we demand adapted strategies from the encrusted and self-governing bureaucracy, because inflexibility is our biggest enemy when quick reactions are needed. It is a sad reality that inflexibility kills. Thoroughness in substance and flexibility in execution.
4. Willingness to be more broadly based. Many options increase our chances. It is only through courage, flexibility and a willingness to try new ways that we can save many lives in the long run, keep the health care system from collapsing and return the economy to former strength. One thing meshes with another.
5. politics should implement the urgent demands from science.

The financial cost of this bold step would be insignificant compared to the efforts to date. Many hundreds of
billions of euros have been spent. Let us, if only for the good feeling of having tried everything, spend a small fraction on alternative medicine and especially Ayurveda/Panchakarma. This courage can pay off. So all it takes is the courageous politician to achieve unusual goals.

Politics is the creation of opportunities for the benefit of the citizens – if politicians would heed this principle free from electioneering, they would not have to be carried to the hunt from time to time.

Did you know that Ayurveda puts health at the center of its activities and not the treatment of diseases?